Go-Go-Grapefruit Cocktail

There’s a wonderful cocktail bar & eatery in Edwards, CO (in the town just west of Beaver Creek Ski Resort) called The Rose. They have one of my all-time favorite cocktails called the General Lee. It is a whiskey-based cocktail that puts the fresh sweetness of hand-squeezed grapefruit front & center, and it’s absolutely delicious.

Now whether it’s seasonality or simply too late to pop out to the store for a fresh grapefruit, I’ve been playing around with an absolutely crave-able grapefruit & whiskey (or tequila works nicely too) combination that can be made easy-peasy from items you should always have on-hand in your bar. It’s a light, refreshing take on a grapefruit cocktail that is perfect for summertime… or anytime!

The recipe’s below and as I always say, “Here’s how I make it, but have fun experimenting with your favorite spirits, bitters brands, ratios & techniques so you can love it as much as I do!” But note: I will say that the Fee Brothers Aromatic Bitters with its cinnamon-forward flavor profile in this drink really do compliment the grapefruit in a special way.

Go-Go-Grapefruit Ingredients

Go-Go-Grapefruit Instructions

    Don’t be afraid to serve this cocktail in a nicely-sized glass like our 15 oz. Zombie or 12 oz. Old Fashioned glasses.

    I always try to have proper store bought cocktail ice on hand in my freezer— it just tastes better, and the clear ice presents so much nicer when you have guests over. If you can find it, Reddy Ice® is my favorite of the nationally distributed brands in terms of shape, texture & appearance.

    Add the whiskey or tequila & bitters to your ice-filled glass, and stir thoroughly. Fill the rest of the glass with the sparkling grapefruit mixer, but try NOT to stir too much after the mixer is in— it will only break the carbonation, losing the cocktail’s effervescence.

    While totally optional (and to be honest, I often don’t garnish unless we have guests over), a simple orange or grapefruit slice on the edge of the glass presents wonderful. And if you’ve got the citrus, squeeze some in the drink too!

John Heins

John is the co-founder of CraftHaüs Design and the BrüFrou: craft beer & culinary pairing events. When he's not helping businesses with marketing strategy & design execution, he enjoys photography & slinging around some semi-coherent words to share his culinary experiences in Boulder, CO & beyond.


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