Mono & Stereophonic Graphique

I woke up this morning with some infographic designs in my head, and just had to get them out. They are distinctly retro in feel, and illustrate the general acoustics & dynamics that happen when one plays music in a room. Certainly more art than science, they would make visually arresting images on the walls of any listening room. Available now in our SHOP/EMPORIUM as high quality canvas wraps from 20”x20” to 50”x50”.


Monophonic Number One

Stereophonic Number One

Stereophonic Number Two

John Heins

John is the co-founder of CraftHaüs Design and the BrüFrou: craft beer & culinary pairing events. When he's not helping businesses with marketing strategy & design execution, he enjoys photography & slinging around some semi-coherent words to share his culinary experiences in Boulder, CO & beyond.

Hard Drive by Cassandra Jenkins


Flatiron Wedge Prototype