Hands down, my all-time favorite collection of DJ mixtapes are produced by Gelka: the downtempo project of “Alex & Sergio”, a.k.a. Budapest residents, Sándor Dömötör & Csaba Kürti. I had the fortune to discover them about a decade ago on Mixcloud where most of the Gelka Mixtapes can be found. FYI: the hungarian word "gelka" means "dream-like quality" but it was also the name of the general repair service for all household electronics during the pre-1989 era Hungary.
It can be best described as laidback electronica with a handful of live elements such as flutes, guitars and vocal contributions. On their earlier works, elements of funk, soul, hip-hop and a veritable cornucopia of other music styles are blended together in an electric melange of delicious sounds.
Streaming free from Mixcloud, check out some of my favorite examples of their work below starting with one of their earliest efforts “More or Less”, then continue down to more recent efforts that explore ambient soundscapes. And oh, yeah… if you dig the vibe of these mixtapes here and want to support them by purchasing some of their original tracks & albums, go to their Gelka homepage on Bandcamp. Enjoy!