Bees Knees Old Fashioned
Honey Flavor Complexity & Tasting Notes Chart
The “Old Fashioned” is said to be the world’s first cocktail, but in many ways, it is so simple in fact that back in the mid-19th century, it became more of a “style” of drink, than a specific recipe. It wasn’t until 1880 that The Chicago Tribune printed and defined it as an “old-fashioned cocktail.” The name was inspired by the many drinkers who refused to change with the times and ordered their drinks the old fashioned way— simply with a brown spirit, sugar, water and bitters. Now, in the 21st century, the Old Fashioned is so ubiquitous with its seamless blend of classic roots & modern interpretation, it has become the transcendent concoction of our times.
For our version of the Old Fashioned, we use a honey-water simple syrup in place of the more traditional sugar cube for the sweet component. Depending on what type of honey you like, it can impart wonderfully subtle notes of floral, fruit, vegetal or wood, etc. that never overpower the whiskey, but simply add to the complexity of the cocktail.
There are more bitter brands & flavors out there then you can shake a stirring spoon at, and it’s fun to try as many of them as you can! For Spring & Summer, I like to keep it fairly simple with orange bitters that “float like a butterfly” when paired with the floral & clover notes of many honeys. During Autumn & Winter, I love the classic aromatic-style bitters like the Fee Brothers version being my favorite with its irresistible “sting like a bee” cinnamon spice forward pungency.
Bees Knees Old Fashioned Ingredients
4 oz. Rye Whiskey
1/2 oz. Honey-Water (start with half warm water & half honey (or cane sugar) as a baseline, then decide your own personal preference for sweetness)
Spring & Summer Bitters Options:
4 Dashes Fee Brothers Orange Bitters (my favorite)
or 4 Dashes Regans’ Orange Bitters No. 6 (very good)
or 2 Dashes Angostura® Orange Bitters (also good + easy to find)Autumn & Winter Bitters:
2 Dashes Fee Brothers Old Fashioned Aromatic Bitters
Bees Knees Old Fashioned Instructions
Pretty simple choice here… old fashioned cocktail— old fashioned glass!STIR AWAY w/ ICE
NEVER shake a proper Old Fashioned. Mix the ingredients & ice in a bartenders mixing glass if you have one, or substitute a similarly sized vessel like a pint glass or stainless steel shaker. A Note about Ice: I always try to have proper store bought cocktail ice on hand in my freezer— it just tastes better, and the clear ice presents so much nicer when you have guests over. If you can find it, Reddy Ice® is my favorite of the nationally distributed brands in terms of shape, texture & appearance.POUR IT IN
The proper way is to strain the ice from the mixing vessel, and use new ice that has been placed in the cocktail glass. This is particularly true if you have “designer” ice at home like large cubes or spherical rocks. If you do, then you’re my kind of people— I love the attention to details! If you don’t, then it makes less of a difference— simply pour the stirred ice & ingredient mixture in your cocktail glass.GARNISH IT
If you want to make it slightly fancier with an orange peel… slice it, then curl the orange peel to bring the oils to the surface, then rub it around the rim, and place on top of the ice in glass.